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發(fā)布時間: 2022-12-21  點擊次數(shù): 573次

安科瑞 繆凱倫

Smart subsation management system for schools in Jiading District,Shanghai

Project Scope

In order to improve the reliability and safety of power supply for schools, Acrel was commissioned to set up the smart subsation management system that contained 147 substations of schools in Jiading District,Shanghai.



The major challenge is to ensure the integrity and continuity of the data.We set a gateway in each substation to real-time collect data of the distribution and send up to data server with 5 mintues interval.if 4G network fault,the data stored in gateway locally, and recovers to data server when the network returns to normal.


Solution & Result

System collects data of 147 substations by 4G network,including electric parameters such as relay informations,current,voltage,power,energy,power quality,power factor etc .It also can display the environmental parameters such as video,temperature,humidity,smoke sensor,flooding and access alert of substations. System sends out alarm signals via APP,SMS in 10s when defined abnormal event happens and assigns task to operator’s APP, guide them to solve problems.

  • 聯(lián)系電話電話
  • 傳真傳真0510-86179975
  • 郵箱郵箱2355269602@qq.com
  • 地址公司地址江蘇省江陰市南閘工業(yè)園東盟路5號
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